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Living the Faith

Being Orthodox Christians in today's world requires us to make choices in the way we live, and sometimes those might not be easy.


It means deciding that Jesus Christ is at the center of our life. Choosing to see the image of God in ourselves and others, and being the Body of Christ wherever we are on the path to Salvation. Even if it requires us to be vulnerable, ridiculed, or rejected. 


Now imagine if you're a child faced with these choices.


Our individual faith journey will forever be unique, yet we will all face struggles and temptations requiring us to leverage our:

  • Faith in God

  • Knowledge of the Scriptures

  • Prayer life

  • Relationship with the Saints

  • Place in the Community of Believers 


To help young people and their families, we at Orthodox Journeys are creating resources to help nurture a perspective keeping our Orthodox Christian Faith alive and vibrant wherever you may be: at home, at school, work, on vacation, at church, or in the world.


To help you be in the world but not of the world, our team is committed to providing you with quality, insightful, engaging, and fun resources which celebrate our Orthodox Faith in traditional and unique ways.


Whether you're 6 or 96, there's always something new to discover in our beloved Orthodox Faith.


Join us in discovering the joys and beauty of our shared journey to the Kingdom, singing songs and spiritual hymns, praying for each other, worshiping, and giving of ourselves for the glory of God - unto the salvation of soul and body.


Glory to Jesus Christ!

Our Team

Orthodox Journeys began in 2020 as a response to the needs of local parishes during the Covid-19 pandemic looking for engaging and easy to use resources for young people and families. Today, our team is still working remotely and collaborating to create new resources leveraging ideas and opportunities to serve the needs of parishes around the world.


Interested in working with us?

Reach out!


Dr. Nic Hartmann, content writer, is a folklorist, youth worker and writer who is a member of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Nic teaches middle school church school classes. Drawing from experience as both a cultural educator and social services director, Nic strives to highlight the power of everyday moments in helping others connect more deeply with Jesus Christ. 


David Lucs, co-founder, is a life-long members of the Orthodox Church, and active member of St. Mary’s Cathedral (OCA) in Minneapolis, MN, David’s background and experiences include work at various levels of church administration, marketing, communication, choral conducting, leading youth music workshops, and teaching church school classes. His belief in Jesus Christ as an active experience in the church and society shapes his desire to serve others.

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